買いたい方への情報 売りたい方への情報 オープンハウス 借りたい方への情報 貸したい方への情報 光が丘はこんな街です すまいる情報はこんな会社です ENGLISH
TEL:03-3825-6411 FAX:03-3825-6802

◆About UR (Urban Renaissance Agency)

 UR (known formerly as Japan housing corporation) have been providing, maintaining and managing a larger number of rental housing complexes for more than half a century.
 The Japan housing corporation was established in 1955 to help provide places to live for workers who faced with difficulties in finding housing in urban areas due to a housing shortage.
 In 2004 they were renamed the Urban Renaissance Agency (Incorporated Administrative Agency).

<UR apartment complexes in Hikarigaoka

      About Hikarigaoka Park Town→

There are 10 apartment complexes in Hikarigaoka.
Rental range is 78,100 yen 〜 219,300yen,
the size is 34 sqm 〜 98sqm,
Layout is 1DK 〜 4LDK,

                   see the sample, 2DK type→


◆The following documents are required in order to complete the rental contract.

1. Certification of registered items in the foreign resident registration
  ( Gaikokujin Kisaijiko shomeisho )

   available at your district city office upon presentation of your foreign resident registration card.

2. Foreign resident registration card

3. Yearly pay slip summary or document from your employer with salary details.
   minimum income required is 250,000 yen per month for an individual or 330,000 yen for a family. If you cannot satisfy these requirements you must pay 1 year's rent in advance.

4. Stamp for signiture (Mitome in)

| ホーム | 買いたい方への情報 | 売りたい方への情報 | オープンハウス | 借りたい方への情報 | 貸したい方への情報 | 光が丘ってどんな街? | 武藤正子のワンポイントアドバイス |
| すまいる情報どんな会社? | お問合せ | サイトマップ |